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Mkhaimar AbusadaVisiting Associate Professor of Middle East and North African Studies and Political Sciencem.abusada@northwestern.eduA
Ubeydullah Ademi Graduate Student ubeydullahademi2027@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 110A
Zekeria Ahmed SalemAssociate Professor, Director of the Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought in Africa 847.467.2143
Scott Hall 208A
Nicolette Alayón Graduate Student nicolettealayon2023@u.northwestern.eduA
Karen J. AlterNorman Dwight Harris Professor of International Relations847-491-4842
Scott Hall 318A
Ana ArjonaAssociate Professor847-467-4064
Scott Hall 237A
David Austen-SmithPeter G. Peterson Chair in Corporate Ethics, Professor of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences, Director, Ford Motor Company Center for Global Citizenship, Kellogg School of Management847-467-3496
Jacobs Center 542A
Lauren M. Baker Graduate Student LMarieBaker@u.northwestern.eduB
Shuan Banh Graduate Student shuanbanh2028@u.northwestern.eduB
Artur Baranov Graduate Student artur.baranov@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 110B
Galya Ben-AriehEmeritus Professor of Instructiongalyab@northwestern.eduB
Tanner Bentley Graduate Student tannerbentley2029@u.northwestern.eduB
Chloe Bernadaux Graduate Student chloebernadaux2028@u.northwestern.eduB
Tabitha BonillaAssociate Professor, Institute for Policy Researchtabitha.bonilla@northwestern.eduB
Tabitha BonillaAssociate Professor of Human Development and Social Policy and Political Sciencetabitha.bonilla@northwestern.eduB
Sirus BouchatAssistant Professor847-467-2063
Scott Hall 305B
Eddine Bouyahi Graduate Student EddineBouyahi2020@u.northwestern.eduB
Tai Brown Graduate Student TarifBrown2029@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 228B
Michelle Bueno Vásquez Graduate Student michellebuenovasquez2024@u.northwestern.eduB
Traci BurchProfessor of Political Science; Research Professor, American Bar Foundation847-491-4848
Scott Hall 210B
Lucas Camara Graduate Student lucascamara@u.northwestern.eduC
Issrar Chamekh Graduate Student chamekh@u.northwestern.eduC
Soho Char Graduate Student sohochar2025@u.northwestern.eduC
Tim Charlebois Graduate Student charlebois@u.northwestern.eduC
Shah Zeb Chaudhary Graduate Student shahchaudhary@u.northwestern.eduC
Jinxue Chen Graduate Student JinxueChen2025@u.northwestern.eduC
Anthony S. ChenAssociate Professor847-467-0515
1808 Chicago Ave, Room 105C
Joshua Corona Graduate Student JoshuaCorona2025@u.northwestern.eduC
Ricardo Galliano CourtProfessor of Instruction in Political Science & Assistant Dean for Academic Integrity & Undergraduate Researchcourt@northwestern.edu1922 Sheridan Rd., Room 304C
Emma Davis Graduate Student emmadavis2025@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 228D
Shawn Dean Graduate Student ShawnDean2023@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 108D
Erin F. DelaneyProfessor of Law, Pritzker School; Professor of Political Science (by courtesy)312-503-0925
Levy Mayer 291, School of LawD
Larissa de Paula Graduate Student ldepaula@u.northwestern.eduD
Gustavo DiazAssistant Professor of Instructiongustavo.diaz@northwestern.eduD
Mary G DietzJohn Evans Emerita Professor of Political Theory and Gender and Sexuality Studiesm-dietz@northwestern.eduScott Hall 303D
Iza DingAssociate ProfessorScott Hall 209D
Jeremi Dolecki Graduate Student JeremiDolecki2026@u.northwestern.eduD
Jaime DominguezAssociate Professor of Instruction847-491-8916
1908 Sheridan Rd.D
Jianan Du Graduate Student jianandu2030@u.northwestern.eduD
Diana Elhard Graduate Student delhard@u.northwestern.eduE
Daniel Encinas Zevallos Graduate Student DanielEncinas2021@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 220E
Ulaş Erdoğdu Graduate Student ulaserdogdu2026@u.northwestern.eduE
Ceyda Erten Graduate Student ceydaerten2020@u.northwestern.eduE
Josias EscobedoUndergraduate Program Assistant (Temporary)josias.escobedo@northwestern.eduScott Hall 218E
James FarrProfessor Emeritus847-491-2643
Scott Hall 102F
Jeff FengPostdoctoral Scholarjeff.feng@northwestern.eduF
Jacob Fortier Graduate Student jacobfortier2027@u.northwestern.eduF
William French Graduate Student WilliamFrench2022@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 228F
Amanda Ziyi Fu Graduate Student ziyifu2026@u.northwestern.eduF
Daniel J. GalvinProfessor of Political Science; Faculty Fellow, Institute for Policy Research; Director, Workplace Justice Lab@NU847-491-2641
Scott Hall 211G
Jordan Gans-MorseAssociate Professor & Faculty Director of the Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies (REEES) Program847-467-1154
Scott Hall 203G
Jack Garigliano Graduate Student JackGarigliano2026@u.northwestern.eduG
Edward L. GibsonKenneth Burgess Professor of Political Science847-467-7505
Scott Hall 236G
Danielle GilbertAssistant Professor847-467-4071
Scott Hall 404G
Neonila Glukhodid Graduate Student neonilaglukhodid2025@u.northwestern.eduG
Hevi Gökdemir Graduate Student hevigokdemir2029@u.northwestern.eduG
Jerry GoldmanProfessor Emeritusjgoldman@oyez.orgG
Nicholas Gonzalez Graduate Student NicholasGonzalez2029@u.northwestern.eduG
Elizabeth Good Graduate Student elizabethgood2024@u.northwestern.eduG
Jake Goodman-Palmer Graduate Student jacobpalmer2028@u.northwestern.eduG
Devora GrynspanVice President for International Relations; Director, International Program Development (Also Lecturer, Department of Political Science)847-467-6953
1800 Sherman, Suite 4-700G
Erika Qing Guan Graduate Student QingGuan2023@u.northwestern.eduG
Laurel Harbridge-YongProfessor847-467-1147
Scott Hall 312AH
Madia Harris Graduate Student madiaharris2029@u.northwestern.eduH
Nicole Herscovici Graduate Student nicoleherscovici2029@u.northwestern.eduH
Barnor HesseAssociate Professor of African American Studies, Political Science, and Sociology1860 Campus Drive, Crowe Hall, Room 5-131H
Arne Holverscheid Graduate Student arne.holverscheid@u.northwestern.eduH
Qin Huang Graduate Student qinhuang2024@u.northwestern.eduH
Kelly HunterPostdoctoral Scholar, Political Science and Global Health Studieskelly.hunter@northwestern.eduH
Ian HurdProfessor847-491-4847
Scott Hall 306H
Elizabeth Shakman HurdProfessor of Political Science; Professor and Chair of Religious Studies847-467-5412
Scott Hall 209H
Kenneth JandaProfessor Emeritusk-janda@northwestern.eduJ
Kyle Jones Graduate Student KyleJones2021@u.northwestern.eduJ
Benjamin F. JonesGordon and Llura Gund Family Professor of Entrepreneurship Professor of Strategy, Kellogg School of Management847-491-3177
Jacobs Center Room 609 J
Richard JosephProfessor Emeritusr-joseph@northwestern.eduJ
Matej Jungwirth Graduate Student matej@u.northwestern.eduJ
Alisher Juzgenbayev Graduate Student juzgenbayev@u.northwestern.eduJ
Shai Karp Graduate Student shaikarp@u.northwestern.eduK
Cody KeenanVisiting Professorcodykeenan@northwestern.eduK
Lamin Keita Graduate Student LaminKeita2021@u.northwestern.eduK
Brian Key Graduate Student briankey@u.northwestern.eduK
Andrew KoppelmanJohn Paul Stevens Professor of Law, Pritzker School; Professor of Political Science (by Courtesy)312-503-8431
Daniel KrcmaricAssociate Professor847-491-4845
Scott Hall 304K
Irene Kwon Graduate Student irenekwon@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 213K
Cristina LafontProfessor of Philosophy847-491-2550
Crowe 1-127L
Saera LeeVisiting Assistant Professorsaera.lee@northwestern.eduScott Hall 231L
Brian LibgoberAssistant Professor of Political Science and Lawbrian.libgober@northwestern.eduScott Hall 207L
Zachary Lien Graduate Student zacharylien2027@u.northwestern.eduL
Jennifer Lin Graduate Student jenniferlin2025@u.northwestern.eduL
Daniel Loebell Graduate Student danielloebell2027@u.northwestern.eduL
Michael LoriauxProfessor847-491-2632
Scott Hall 235L
James MahoneyGordon Fulcher Professor of Decision-Making; Professor of Political Science and Sociology847-491-2626
Scott Hall 402M
Lucas Marín Llanes Graduate Student LucasMarinLlanes2029@u.northwestern.eduM
Kimberly Marion SuiseeyaAssociate Professor, Faculty Affiliate Center for Native American and Indigenous Research; Faculty Fellow Buffett Institute for Global Affairs847-491-8985
Scott Hall 309M
Usdin L. Martínez Graduate Student usdinmartinez2024@u.northwestern.eduM
Sam McChesney Graduate Student samuelmcchesney2023@u.northwestern.eduM
Jack McGovern Graduate Student johnmcgovern2027@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 313M
Mary McGrathAssistant Professor847-467-6414
Scott Hall 241M
Eden Melles Graduate Student edenmelles@u.northwestern.eduM
Charlotte Mencke Graduate Student cmencke@u.northwestern.eduM
Julie Lee MersethAssistant Professor847-467-0276
Scott Hall 314M
Evgeniia Mikriukova Graduate Student evgeniiamikriukova2020@u.northwestern.eduM
S. Sara MonosonProfessor847-467-2647
Scott Hall 239M
Stephen MonteiroBusiness Administrator II847-467-1742
Scott Hall 216M
Sarah Moore Graduate Student SarahMoore2022@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 105M
Quinn MulroyAssistant Professor, Human Development and Social Policyqmulroy@northwestern.edu2120 Campus Drive, Room 217M
Emerson Murray Graduate Student emurray@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 111M
Aulia Nastiti Graduate Student AuliaNastiti2017@u.northwestern.eduN
Martin NaunovCollege Fellow; Faculty Associate, Institute for Policy Researchmnaunov@northwestern.eduScott Hall 315N
Stephen C. NelsonAssociate Professor847-491-2589
Scott Hall 238N
Monique Newton Graduate Student mnewton@u.northwestern.eduN
Audrey Nicolaïdes Graduate Student m7e8h9@u.northwestern.eduN
Shmulik NiliAssociate Professor847-467-6986
20 Scott HallN
Maya Novak-Herzog Graduate Student mayanovak-herzog2024@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 229N
Sally A. NuamahAssociate Professor of Human Development and Social Policysally.nuamah@northwestern.eduN
Ann Shola Orloff Professor of Sociology and Board of Lady Managers of the Columbian Exposition Chair(847) 491-3719
1808 Chicago Avenue, Room 201O
Elizabeth (Ely) Orrego Torres Graduate Student eorrego@u.northwestern.eduO
Danielle Ortiz Graduate Student O
Benjamin I. PageGordon Scott Fulcher Emeritus Professor of Decision Makingb-page@northwestern.eduP
Megha Summer Pappachen Graduate Student meghapappachen2027@u.northwestern.eduP
Wendy PearlmanJane Long Professor of Arts and Sciences, Professor of Political Science847-491-2259
Scott Hall 204P
Caroline Pippert Graduate Student carolinepippert2025@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 109P
Matt PryorDirector of the Honors Program, Visiting Assistant Professor matthew.pryor@northwestern.eduScott Hall 229P
William RenoProfessor & Chair of the Department847-491-5794
Scott Hall 102, Scott Hall 243 (Chair’s office)R
Jeff RiceSenior Lecturer, Emeritusj-rice2@northwestern.eduScott Hall 106R
Andrew RobertsAssociate Professor and Associate Chair847-491-2636
Scott Hall 205R
Reuel RogersAssociate Professor847-491-2644
Scott Hall 303R
Talia Rueschemeyer-Bailey Graduate Student taliarb@u.northwestern.eduR
Andrew Saab Graduate Student AndrewSaab2025@u.northwestern.eduS
Andrés Schelp Graduate Student schelp@u.northwestern.eduS
Molly Schiffer Graduate Student mollyschiffer2027@u.northwestern.eduS
Jason SeawrightProfessor; Director of Graduate Studies847-467-1148
Scott Hall 316S
Wesley G SkoganProfessor Emeritus (Also Legal Studies and the Institute for Policy Research)847-491-8731
IPR 625 HavenS
Ariel SowersEvents and Communications Coordinator847-491-7454
Scott Hall 220S
Busra Soylemez-KarakocVisiting Assistant Professor of Political Sciencebusra.karakoc@northwestern.eduScott Hall 231S
Hendrik SpruytNorman Dwight Harris Professor Emeritus of International Relationsh-spruyt@northwestern.eduS
Jacqueline StevensProfessor; Founding Faculty Director, Deportation Research Clinic, Buffett Institute for Global Affairs; Institute for Policy Research, Faculty Associate; Political Theory Field Coordinator847-467-2093
Scott Hall 20 (primary); Scott Hall 09 (secondary)S
Larry StuelpnagelAssociate Professor of Instruction847-491-3468
McCormick Tribune Center, 4-135 (1870 Campus Dr.)S
Courtney SyskowskiGraduate Program Coordinator847-491-7452
Scott 217S
Chloe ThurstonAssociate Professor of Political Science; Faculty Fellow, Institute for Policy Research847-467-4067
Scott Hall 206T
Alvin B. Tillery, Jr. Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for the Study of Diversity and Democracy847-467-4697
Scott Hall 302T
Mikhail Turchenko Graduate Student mturchenko@u.northwestern.eduT
Dinara Urazova Graduate Student dinaraurazova2024@u.northwestern.eduU
Ana Luiza Vedovato Graduate Student ana.vedovato@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 228V
Kevin Wagner Graduate Student W
Maximilian Weylandt Graduate Student mweylandt@u.northwestern.eduScott Hall 213W
Brianna White Graduate Student BriannaWhite2020@u.northwestern.eduW
Nicole WilsonCollege Fellow 2024-2025; Assistant Professornwilson@northwestern.eduW
Jeffrey A. WintersProfessor and Director of the Equality Development and Globalization Studies program (EDGS)847-491-2630
Scott Hall 403W
Kimberly A. YurackoDean of Pritzker School of Law; Judd and Mary Morris Leighton Professor of Law(312) 503-3466
Maria Zavala Garcia Graduate Student MariaZavalaGarcia@u.northwestern.eduZ