Planning an Event?
The Political Science Department hosts 100+ events every year. We provide support to these department sponsored events through room reservations, lunch catering, A/V support, and travel arrangements. For more information on the kinds of support we provide to the Political Science Department and the Northwestern community at large, please see the below sections.
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Information for Political Science Dept Members
If you are a member of the department of Political Science, please review the below options for your Event and Room needs.
Availability Calendars
There are two department managed rooms available in Scott Hall for events, room 212, and Ripton 201. You can use the below calendars to check for availability. If a block of time has "busy" next to it, it is unavailable.
Event & Meeting Support
If you are a department member and would like to request support for your department sponsored event, please review the Event Support Guidelines before submitting your Event Support Request.
Support requests must be submitted for ALL department co/sponsored events (subfield workshops, commune meetings, info sessions, faculty meetings, etc.)
Event Support Guidelines
The Event Support Request form allows you to request rooms, A/V support, catering, etc. for your event. We require at least two weeks notice to adequately support the planning of your event. Thank you.
Event Support Request Form
Room Reservation Form & Guidelines
If you are a department member looking for a room for a make up exam, small group meeting, guest speaker office, etc., please use review the below guidelines then use the form to submit your request.
If you require a room for a subfield workshops, commune meetings, info sessions, faculty meetings, etc. please see the Event & Meeting Support section.
Scott Hall Room Guidelines
Room Reservation Request Form
Information for the Northwestern Community
If you are not a member of the Poli Sci Department, but are looking to include your departments events in our newsletter or if you would like to book a room in Scott Hall for your event or meeting please review the below options.
Note: these rooms are not available for public reservation, they are only available to members of the Northwestern University Community.
Availability Calendars
There are two main rooms available for reservation to the Northwestern Community at large. Room 212 can seat up to 42 people, and Ripton Room 201 can seat up to 35. You can use the below calendars to check for availability. If a block of time has "busy" next to it, it is unavailable.
These rooms are primarily used for Political Science courses and events, and are therefore in high demand. Priority will be given for department needs.
Event Newsletter
If you would like your event or meeting to be included in our Weekly Event Newsletter to Political Science students, please submit details by Wednesday, the week BEFORE your event. To be included, we require all event details to be finalized before entering below.
Event Newsletter Entry
Room Reservation Form & Guidelines
Please review the below room guidelines before submitting your request using the form below. By submitting a room reservation request you are agreeing to uphold the guidelines and room reservation fees.
Scott Hall Room Guidelines
Room Reservation Request
Please note, there are two smaller spaces in Scott Hall, rooms 319 and 227. These rooms may be offered depending on your reservation needs.