2018 News
Prof. Harbridge Yong breaks down the 2018 midterm elections: “There was a larger shift towards the Democratic candidates across the country, compared to only a handful of districts that became more Republican." But why?
“I can’t wait to see what she does next." Prof. Clipperton had an idea about how to improve her empirical methods class. She made it happen and the students loved it
Prof. Druckman and Ph.D. Candidate Sam Gubitz explore how incivility affectively depolarizes partisans when it comes from an in-party source
Prof. Arjona details life under armed groups in Columbia (article in Spanish)
If you cant beat them, copy them - Ph.D. Candidate Matthew Lacombe on what gun control groups can learn form the NRA
"Some lines threaten to haunt the reader long after the book is set down. Perhaps they should." Irish Times reviews Prof. Pearlman's book 'We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled: Voices from Syria'
Strategic culture at odds with strategic interests? Prof. Pearlman discusses why Israel-Hamas fighting erupted just as negotiations advanced
Will Reno | Faculty Spotlight: Will Reno
Prof. Harbridge Yong appeared on WTTW's 'Chicago Tonight' to discuss the midterm election results
Elizabeth Shakman Hurd | Faculty Spotlight: Elizabeth Shakman Hurd
Congratulations to Profs. Bullock, Gans-Morse, Ogorzalek, and Seawright on being named to the Associated Student Government Faculty Honor Roll for 2017-18
Canvassing or 'the caravan,' which one turns out voters? Prof. Karen Alter gives analysis
Profs. Benjamin Page, Jason Seawright, and Ph.D Candidate Matthew Lacombe know what billionaires want and why
Dr. Chloe Thurston discusses her book 'At the Boundaries of Homeownership: Credit, Discrimination, and the American State' on the New Books podcast
Drs. Anthony S. Chen and Lisa M. Stulberg (NYU) on what opponents of affirmative action get wrong
Dr. Traci Burch: “Re-enfranchisement might not produce big electoral effects." Floridians will decide in November, will it change the electorate?
Drs. Dominguez and Ogorzalek write on Chicago's 2019 mayoral race and Emanuel's legacy for the Urban Affairs Forum Local Elections Scholars Series
Giuseppe Cumella successfully defended his dissertation, "Aristotle on Political Activity," on September 28, 2018
Giuseppe is a specialist on the history of political theory and was active in the cross-disciplinary ancient philosophy program as well as the graduate classics cluster His second field in political science is American politics and he has been a welcome participant in many workshops across fields during his studies. Congratulations to Giuseppe from his committee: Professors Monoson and Dietz (political science), Kraut (philosophy) and Wynne (classics).
Dylan Doppelt, Political Science '19, researched political gridlock through Institute for Policy Research (IPR) has run the Summer Undergraduate Research Assistants (SURA) program with Prof. Harbridge-Yong.
Commentary from Dr. Jordan Gans-Morse: It could be worse: Why we’re lucky to have Trump
Dr. Alvin Tillery interviewed for Skin color vs. identity: How Americans view race 'a huge surprise'
Dr. Dominguez on Mayor Rahm Emanuel's 'bifurcated' legacy
Want to sound presidential? Cody Keenan, incoming visiting Professor of Political Science and former White House Director of Speechwriting, gives his tips and tricks
Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Nelson for winning the 2018 Peter Katzenstein Book Prize for his work 'The Currency of Confidence: How Economic Beliefs Shape the IMF's Relationship with Its Borrowers'
Dr. Stevens: “Without expectation of oversight, there's no expectation of accountability." Texas temporary holding facilities often come as a surprise to the unsuspecting civilians who work or live nearby.
Dr. Alvin Tillery authors study on race and genetics finds Americans have nuanced understanding of race
Dr. Alvin Tillery authors study on race and genetics, finds Americans have nuanced understanding of race
Dr. Gans-Morse’s article "Demand for Law and the Security of Property Rights: The Case of Post-Soviet Russia" has been awarded ‘Honorable Mention’ by APSA’s 2018 Selection Committee for the Law and Courts Best Article Award
Drs. Laurel Harbridge-Yong and Ethan Busby (Northwestern '18): “We find one reason legislators don’t support compromise is the perception that primary voters will punish them”
Drs. Benjamin Page and Martin Gilens, authors of 'Democracy in America? What Has Gone Wrong and What We Can Do About It?' lay out 5 reforms to improve Washington's broken policy making
Dr. Elizabeth Shakman Hurd: "The border is an especially dark place under this administration, but Trump v. Hawaii is a reminder that border politics are violent regardless of who is in charge"
Prof. Elizabeth S. Hurd on the SCOTUS 'Muslim Ban' decision: "The Court’s decision is not about religion. It is also not about race. It is about the imperial presidency"
Dr. Jacqueline Stevens participated in an online Oxford-style debate on free movement with British conservative David Goodhart of Policy Exchange
Dr. Karen Alter: Given how much China has benefited from the WTO, and the support Chinese leaders have long professed for the multilateral trade system, would China step in to save the WTO?
Dr. Ian Hurd appeared on 'Beyond The Beltway' to discuss the U.S.-North Korea Summit in Singapore
The American Political Science Association is pleased to announce that Ph.D. candidate Dara Gaines has been named as a 2018-19 APSA Minority Fellowship Program Fellow
Congratulations to Political Science Business Administrator Jill Rubin Decremer for being named a finalist for the 2017-18 Northwestern University Employee of the Year Award
Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Matthew Lacombe on being named a 2018-19 Jefferson Scholar National Fellow
"I expressed my surprise at the number of pumpkins I saw around, and the near absence of signs or posters relating to the elections," Dr. El Amine on American elections and exceptionalism
Ambassadors discuss Russian-Georgian relations, effort to join NATO at the 2018 R. Barry Farrell Lecture
Dr. Harbridge Yong appeared on Northwestern's student-run politics TV show 'Nightcap' to discuss the multi-state May 8 primaries
Q&A with Dr. Elizabeth S. Hurd - Iran, North Korea, and Donald Trump
The American Bar Foundation has named Ph.D. Candidate Hye Yun Kang a 2018 Doctoral/Postdoctoral Fellow
Congratulations to Dr. Ana Arjona on winning the 2018 Conflict Research Society Book of the Year Prize for her book 'Rebelocracy: Social Order in the Colombian Civil War'
Congratulations to Dr. Ian Hurd on being named runner up for the 2017 Chadwick Alger prize at the International Studies Association
ISTA special guest speaker Emir of Kano Muhammadu Sanusi II discusses transformations affecting religious Islamic authority and how its exercised in a globalized Africa
Dr. Gans-Morse: "Putin may be at the height of power today, but this power is more insecure than ever"
“Hawks as far as the eye can see," Dr. Ian Hurd on the U.S.'s extroverted foreign policy
Rural v. urban, where does political change start? Dr. Ogorzalek's new book has some answers
Migration Expert Ben-Arieh Joins Global Research Team Focused on Refugee Crisis
Medill News profiles and launches a new multi-media site on the Deportation Research Clinic
Strike against Syria draws mixed reaction
Dr. Wendy Pearlman on Syria: "We should use all leverage at our disposal to work with international partners to halt his onslaught and get humanitarian aid to those on the verge of death"
Congratulations to Dr. Shmuel Nili on being named a 2018-19 Kaplan Institute Fellow!
'A foolish choice,' Dr. Ian Hurd on a retaliatory strike against Syria
Ph.D. Candidate Yoes Kenawas: "Should Indonesia be the first country to introduce a radical quota system for the advancement of women's rights, its success may inspire other countries to follow her path"
Dr. Jacqueline Stevens on "When Migrants Are Treated Like Slaves"
What comes to mind when people think about rank-and-file party supporters? Ph.D. Candidates Jacob E. Rothschild, Adam J. Howat, Richard M. Shafranek, and Ethan C. Busby might have some answers
Dr. Jaime Dominguez in "Could a Political Newcomer Unseat Illinois’s Most Conservative Democrat?"
Ph.D. Candidate Franky Matisek, "The Blockchain Arms Race: America vs. China"
Congrats to Kathleen Nganga (Political Science '18), a 2017 Truman Scholar, for winning a 2018-19 James C. Gaither Junior Fellowship from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Key lessons from Russia’s 2016 disruption of US elections from Dr. Jordan Gans-Morse
PhD student Matthew Lacombe in "The Gun-Control Debate After Parkland"
Ph.D. Candidate Matthew Lacombe, "How Gun Ownership Became A Powerful Political Identity"
Dr. Alvin Tillery was interviewed about the high turnover rate of top of officials in the Trump White House
Dr. Wendy Pearlman on "Life Under Assad’s Bombs in a Damascus Suburb"
Congrats to Dr. Marina Henke on winning the 2018 ISA Diplomatic Studies Section’s Article Award
Dr. Wendy Pearlman discusses the Syrian government's attack on eastern Ghouta
"Disentangling Ethics and the Law: What's Legal Isn't Necessarily Ethical" by Dr. Karen Alter
"Refugees Tell the Story of the Syria They Left Behind" by Dr. Wendy Pearlman
Dispatch from Qatar: Dr. Elizabeth Shakman Hurd refutes three myths on how U.S. foreign policy intersects with religious interventionism

The FiveThirtyEight Politics Podcast cites Ph.D. Candidate Matthew Lacombe's article on the NRA. Click 'All News' below to link to the article and podcast
Drs. Ben Page and Martin Gilens's (Princeton) new book is cited in research showing that middle-income voters fail to influence congressional policy outcomes
"South Africa's Jacob Zuma Resigns" reaction by Dr. Richard Joseph

Congrats to PhD student Ethan Busby, who will be joining Clemson University in August 2018 as a tenure-track assistant professor
Dr. Chloe Thurston on "Black Lives Matter, American political development, and the politics of visibility"
Dr. Will Reno and Ph.D. Candidate Franky Matisek, "'Not your grandfather’s militaries:' Researching new models of civil-military relations"
Dr. Jaime Dominguez, "Save the Dream, Don’t End it"
Dr. Alvin Tillery was recently interviewed about the increase in TV reboots and their impact on diversity
Dr. Alvin Tillery on "Trump’s ‘new American moment': State of Union speech strikes conciliatory tone, but promotes divisive policies"

Congrats to Mona Oraby (Ph.D. Northwestern University '17) on becoming Assistant Professor at Amherst College Law, Jurisprudence & Social Thought Department.
The Amherst College Law, Jurisprudence & Social Thought Department welcomes Mona Oraby as our new full time tenure track Assistant Professor. Mona Oraby is currently Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought at Amherst College. She also serves as Managing Editor of The Immanent Frame, the Social Science Research Council's interdisciplinary forum dedicated to questions of religion, secularism, and the public sphere. Her research and teaching are in the areas of comparative law and religion, law and society, as well as global and postcolonial legal regimes. Before joining Amherst, she was the Jerome Hall Postdoctoral Fellow in the Center for Law, Society, and Culture at Indiana University Maurer School of Law. She received her PhD in Political Science from Northwestern University.
Mona's current book project is Administering Religious Difference: Secularism, Minorities, and the Rule of Law. Using modern Egypt as a case study and other comparative cases in the region and elsewhere, the book examines administrative conflicts that arise from dual constitutional commitments to religious establishment and legal equality. This study departs from existing scholarship that focuses on the situation of particular minorities by instead analyzing the legal processes through which minority and majority populations are constituted over time.