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Julie Lee Merseth

Assistant Professor

B.A., Macalester College; Ph.D., University of Chicago


Research Interest(s): American politics; racial and ethnic politics; immigration and immigrant political incorporation; women and politics

Program Area(s): American Politics

Regional Specialization(s): United States

Subfield Specialties: Race, Ethnicity and Politics, Public Opinion, Political Participation



Julie Lee Merseth's interests are situated in the field of American political behavior with a dual and overlapping focus on race and immigration. Her research is especially animated by questions of how racial and ethnic politics in the United States are changing as a result of fast-growing populations of immigrants, largely from Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Her current book project, Immigration, Racial Incorporation, and the Reordering of Group Politics, investigates the impact of immigration on race-based group politics among Asian, Latino, and Black communities in the U.S. and its broader consequences for twenty-first century racial politics.

Select Publications

  • “Race-ing Solidarity: Asian Americans and Support for Black Lives Matter.” 2018. Politics, Groups, and Identities 6 (3): 337-356.
  • “Examining the Causal Impact of the Voting Rights Act Language Minority Provisions,” with Bernard L. Fraga. 2016. Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 1 (1): 31-59.