Kyle Jones

Program Area(s): Political Theory
Dissertation Committee: Loren Goldman, S. Sara Monoson (Chair), Ryan C. Platte
Bio: While at Northwestern, I researched the history of higher public education in the Archivo General de la Nación in Mexico City, Mexico. I also researched the history of the student movement of the 1960s at the Goethe-Universitätsarchiv in Frankfurt, Germany. My current research interests are classical political theory, (political) mythology, and democratic theory which have led me to the record and archive of antiquity. My dissertation is primarily a case study of ancient Athenian political mythology as a means to show a complex and richer side of ancient democracy and determine from it whether there is a way to reach an even deeper human history of politics from overlapping theories in Classics and Political Science. I completed an MA in Political Theory and a BA in French Literature at Ohio University. Prior to that, I was an undergraduate tutor for traditional and non-traditional students at Ohio University-Chillicothe. I am passionate about education, equal access, and first generation learning in higher ed. I currently lecture at DePaul University in the Department of Political Science and at the University of Illinois Chicago for the Department of Classical and Mediterranean Studies. I reside in the community of Rogers Park and am avid pool player for the Chicago Pool League in my free time.
Research Interests: Greco-Roman antiquity, philosophical pragmatism, precise discourse, civic engagement, teaching and pedagogy.
Honors & Awards:
- Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award, Northwestern University, 2023
- Assistant to the Graduate Classics Cluster, 2022
- Graduate Assistantship, French Interdisciplinary Group, Northwestern University, 2019-2020
- Minar Research Award and Archival Grant, 2018
Conference Presentations:
- “The Problem of Reaction between Montesquieu and Neumann,” American Political Science Association, September 2022.