Daniel Krcmaric
Associate Professor
Curriculum Vitae

- daniel.krcmaric@northwestern.edu
- Website
- 847-491-4845
- Scott Hall 304
- Office Hours: By appointment only
Research Interest(s): International Security; International Law; U.S. Foreign Policy
Program Area(s): International Relations
Daniel Krcmaric is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University. His research addresses the intersection of international law, international security, and American foreign policy.
Krcmaric's first book, The Justice Dilemma: Leaders and Exile in an Era of Accountability, highlights the promise and peril of prosecuting heads of state for atrocity crimes. His next book project, Above the Law: The United States and the International Criminal Court, examines how America's global military presence has shaped its turbulent relationship with the International Criminal Court.
His articles have been published in political science journals such as the American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Annual Review of Political Science, and Perspectives on Politics, as well as international relations journals such as International Security, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, Conflict Management & Peace Science, and Security Studies.
Krcmaric's public commentary and research have been featured in news outlets such as The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Associated Press, Foreign Policy, Vox, ABC, BBC, and CNBC, among others.
Select Publications
- "Does the International Criminal Court Target the American Military?" 2023. American Political Science Review 117(1): 325-331.
- "I'll Be Back? Exiled Leaders and Political Instability." 2023. Journal of Conflict Resolution 67(2-3): 402-427 (with Abel Escriba-Folch).
- "Nowhere to Hide? Global Policing and the Politics of Extradition." 2022. International Security 47(2): 7-47.
- The Justice Dilemma: Leaders and Exile in an Era of Accountability. 2020. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs).
- "Studying Leaders and Elites: The Personal Biography Approach." 2020. Annual Review of Political Science. 23: 133-151 (with Steve Nelson and Andrew Roberts).
- "Information, Secrecy, and Civilian Targeting." 2019. International Studies Quarterly 63 (2): 322-333.
- "Should I Stay or Should I Go? Leaders, Exile, and the Dilemmas of International Justice." 2018. American Journal of Political Science 62 (2): 486-498.
- "Varieties of Civil War and Mass Killing: Reassessing the Relationship between Guerrilla Warfare and Civilian Victimization." 2018. Journal of Peace Research 55 (1): 18-31.
- "Dictators in Exile: Explaining the Destinations of Ex-Rulers." 2017. Journal of Politics 79 (2): 560-575 (with Abel Escriba-Folch).
- "Who Democratizes? Western-Educated Leaders and Regime Transitions." 2017. Journal of Conflict Resolution 61 (3): 671-701 (with Thomas Gift).
- "Refugee Flows, Ethnic Power Relations, and the Spread of Conflict." 2014. Security Studies 23 (1): 182-216.