Feedback and Comments
We welcome feedback and questions about the facilities, policies, procedures, and professional climate of the Department of Political Science. Your submission can be submitted anonymously; should you choose to leave your name, staff will do our best to respond to you within 72 hours. Please complete this form to submit your response.
Please be aware that all University personnel are mandated reporters. Should you share something that requires us to report it to the University under the Policy on Institutional Equity, we will do so promptly. You may make a report directly to EthicsPoint at any time here.
Department Directions
The Department of Political Science is located in Scott Hall on the Evanston Campus and is staffed year-round on non-holiday weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Our mailing address is:
Department of Political Science
Northwestern University
Scott Hall, 601 University Place
Evanston, IL 60208
Tel: 847-491-7450
Fax: 847-467-6601
E-mail: pol-sci@northwestern.edu
We are located on the second and third floors of Scott Hall on the Evanston Campus. Scott Hall is located across the road from the Arch at the intersection of Sheridan Road, Chicago Avenue and University Place. The main entrance to the department is on the 2nd floor of the University Place entrance. One can also enter the department on Sheridan Road. Proceed to the 2nd floor and head straight to the main entrance. We share this building with the Cahn Auditorium and Guild Hall.
Consult these Northwestern maps for our location on the Evanston Campus (zoom in for more detail), the Evanston campus in web format and in printable format.
General directions and parking information for the Evanston campus via public and private transportation is also available.