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2024 Graduates & Award Recipients





AWARDS & Recognitions

Kenneth F. Janda Prize for Distinguished Honors Thesis in Political Science
This prize is in honor of Kenneth Janda, who taught in the Department of Political Science for 41 years. The Janda Prize is awarded for the best undergraduate honors thesis. The winner is selected by the Honors Committee and is based on the nominations and feedback received from the honors thesis readers.
Max Henry Feinleib

Redesigning the Filibuster for More Effective Lawmaking in a Polarized Senate

Advised by Dr. Daniel J. Galvin, Professor of Political Science; Faculty Fellow, Institue for Policy Research


Laila Skramstad

How the Presence of Syrian Refudees Affects Elections in Turkey

Advised by Dr. Wendy Pearlman, Professor of Political Science; Crown Professor of Middle East Studies


William M. McGovern Award for Academic Excellence, Leadership, and Citizenship

The McGovern Prize is in honor of William M. McGovern, who taught comparative politics and political theory in political science at Northwestern from 1929 until his death in 1964. In recognition for his devotion to his students and for making significant strides to enhance academic life in the Political Science Department, the McGovern Prize is awarded to an outstanding graduating political science major who has demonstrated excellence in scholarship, leadership, and University citizenship.

Edward Dowd 

Edward graduates with a double major in Political Science and Geography with a certificate in Leadership. While at Northwestern Dowd was a Senator for the Associated Student Government (ASG), the Speaker of the Political Union and BridgeUSA, a representative on the Political Science Undergraduate Advisroy Council and the Political Science representative for the Weinberg College Student Advisory Board. Dowd is a founding member of NUNITED, an annual coference that seeks to moderate political polarization. 


Sara Ibrahim

Sara graduates with a double major in Political Science and INternational Studies with a minor in Legal Studies. While at Northwestern Ibrahim was an editorial assistant with the Council on Foreign Relations, a research assistant with Northwestern Law's Bluhm Clinic Center for International Human Rights, and a founding member of the MENA Student Association, advocating for new academic programs and resources to support the MENA community at Northwestern. Beyond NU, Ibrahim has raised $30,000 to establish a residential home for special needs indivuals in Egypt.

R. Barry Farrell Prize for Academic Achievement in Political Science
Named for his outstanding commitment to undergraduate students both within and beyond the classroom, the R. Barry Farrell Prize for Academic Achievement in Political Science, a committee of faculty recognizes student(s) for the best-written undergraduate research seminar paper.
Daniel Wolf

“The Political Potential of  Art”.
Submitted to Professor Michael Loriaux for Fall 2023's Critical Theory and the Study of Politics




Senior Marshal

The Department of Political Science chooses one graduating senior to carry the Department’s banner at the Weinberg College Convocation. Nominations are submitted by graduating students and Political Science professors and chosen by the Undergraduate Program Committee.

Lily Cohen

For her academic achievement and contributions to the Department, Weinberg College, and Northwestern community as a whole


Distinguished Accomplishments


\   Farrell Fellows  \
Noah Kamakoa Blaisdell Dylan Mathias Jost Camila H. Vicens
Sophie Evans Brill Anna Catherine Lansford Kaili Wegener
Rodrigo Aidan Carmena Black Joann Nicole Lenart Jinwen Wu
Justin M. Choi Evan Simon Myers Julianna Zitron
Lorenzo Garcia Laila Skramstad
Bianca Gunnz Aidan Michael Taylor
\    Departmental Honors  \ 

Learn more about each of the honors theses here.


Tristan James Baumeister Maya Krainc V Matthew Steinbaum
Evie Rose Berg Anna Lansford  Jules Wathieu
Alexander Cherenkov Evan Simon Myers Jinwen Wu
Max Henry Feinleib Laila Skramstad
\    Phi Beta Kappa  \
Molly Braun Lauren Malenfant Kaitlyn Shi
Lily Cohen Hannah Nemeth Nikola Stamenkovic Diez
Caleb Lawson Neha Ramani

*inducted as a Junior

\    Pi Sigma Alpha   \
Tristan James Baumeister Georgia Drew Goldstein Diego Ricardo Ramos Bechara
Elisabeth Betts Dylan Mathias Jost Julien Rentsch
Molly Braun Maya Kumar Oscar Anthony Rivas
Josh Chapman Anna Catherine Lansford Laila Skramstad
Alexander Cherenkov Hannah Shang Li Mayte Taipe
Lily Cohen Lauren Malenfant Liana Valdes
Mikayla Danault Alison McCadden Molly Van Gorp
Jack Ning Ding Jagan Nallani Camila H. Vicens
Max Henry Feinleib Cole Jackson Prieto Anna Ying Westfall
Lorenzo Garcia Neha Ramani Juliana Zitron
Aerin Geblum
\    Certificates of Achievement \
Nuo (Anor) Chen, Foreign Language Andrew Myers, Quantitative Skills
Kendall Lobo, Foreign Language Katica Hope O'Connor, Quantitative Skills
Tyler Huang, Quantitative Skills Eric Wang, Quantitative Skills
\    Department Majors   \
Samuel Riggs Abernathy Sara Ibrahim Cole Jackson Prieto
Jacob Thomas Atkins Noah Jackson Neha Ramani
Similoluwa Vanessa Ayeni Isabella Jaramillo Joseph Kemble Ramos
Tristan James Baumeister Jovany Dany Jeanlouis Diego Ricardo Ramos Bechara
Eric Paul Benes Dylan Mathias Jost Julien Rentsch
Evie Rose Berg Gabrielle Alexis Khoriaty Gloria Rhee
Elisabeth Betts Bruno Marwan Kraidy Oscar Anthony Rivas
Haakon S. Black Maya Krainc Christian Paul Rodriguez
Noah Kamakoa Blaisdell Maya Kumar Mario Rodriguez Salazar
Christopher James Bournakis Jack Landgraff Jacob Michael Rosner
Molly Braun Anna Catherine Lansford Madaleine Jade Rubin
Sophie Evans Brill Caleb Lawson Rachel Schaefer
Maria Fernanda Caminha Bello Samantha Katherine Lebeck Kaitlyn Shi
Rodrigo Aidan Carmena Black Joann Nicole Lenart Stephanie Cooper Shields
Samuel Lester Casey Hannah Shang Li Jorja James Siemons
Josh Chapman Elijah J. Lopez Laila Skramstad
Katherine Chen Lauren Malenfant Braedyn Chanel Speight
Alexander Cherenkov Nicholas Pierce Martins Nikola Stamenković Diez
Justin M. Choi Daniel Robert Maton V Matthew Steinbaum
Ji Hye Choi Alison McCadden Nixie Bayou Strazza
Eloise Clark Andrew James McDermott Kenneth Such
Adonis Clemente Harper McIntyre Mayte Taipe
Lily Cohen Kendall Grace McKay Tamara Kamimi Ulalisa
Benjamin Cummings Gage Dudzinski McWeeny Liana Valdes
Mikayla Denault Anna Meier Molly Van Gorp
Jack Ning Ding Greyson James Metz Amelia J. Vasquez
Edward Dowd Hailey Mi Camila H. Vicens
Max Henry Feinleib Myanno Khine Miller Jenna Wang
Ryan David Felsenthal Kyle Lamar Morgan Jules Etienne Wathieu
Elena Vienne Garcia Jake Mozarsky Kaili Wegener
Lorenzo Garcia Evan Simon Myers Anna Ying Westfall
Aerin Gelblum Jagan Nallani Amaria I. White
Georgia Drew Goldstein Hannah Nemeth Jinwen Wu
Alexandria Elle Graham Kashmir C. Owen Andrew Xu
Joshua Gregory Lev Chaim Pearlman Ji Yoon Yang
Bianca Gunnz Meghna Deb Phalke David Yoon
Lucy Louise Hederick Chloe Antoinette Porter Julianna Zitron
Junyoung Hwang
\   Department Minors  \

Ibrahim Saeed Ahmad 

Pooja Jain 

Theodore Mahlum 

Xuandi Wang 

Tess Ann Ballis 

Cydney Alayne Johnson 

Jesus Portales 

Haley Jane Weil 

Wyatt Browdy 

Jan M. Karolczak 

Jacqueline Rose Prata 

Max Atticus Weldon 

Alexandre Joseph Brunet 

Huma Zulfiqar Khan 

Madeleine Ashley Schneider 

Keyler White 

Emma Lily Jane Burnham 

Gia Khanna 

Jamison Elizabeth Stout 

Janie Zhenni Xu 

Liliana L. Carey 

Caroline Ashleigh Labow 

Aidan Michael Taylor 

Hankyeol Yang 

Phillip A. Cervantes 

Brennan Alice Leach 

Malcolm Owen Alonso Turner 

Hyunsu Yoo 

Kikue Chelsea Higuchi 

Nicholas Magovern Leahy 

Nicole Lynn Wallace 

Arin Matteson Zwonitzer