Research Grants & End-of-Year Prizes
The Political Science Department offers a number of research grants, fellowships, and awards for our students. If you are seeking funds to support your research or expenses, apply in advance of any purchases or financial commitments. Funding for all fellowships and grants is subject to Department approval.
Fellowships and Grants
Farrell Summer Experiential Learning Grant
This grant supports summer experiential learning related to the political science major. Experiences could include an internship at a non-profit public service organization, NGO, political campaign, or other similar unpaid opportunity. To be eligible, students must be continuing their Northwestern studies the following academic year (graduating students are not eligible to apply).
Ted and Cora Ginsberg Undergraduate Research Grant
This grant supports undergraduate political science research conducted in collaboration with a faculty member. The research can occur during the summer or during the academic year.
The Farrell Fellowship provides political science majors with opportunity to work alongside our professors on faculty-generated research projects. As paid research assistants, Farrell Fellows learn the process of conducting academic research from faculty mentors.
END-OF-YEAR Prizes & Recognition
Kenneth Janda Prize for Best Undergraduate Honors Thesis
This prize is in honor of Kenneth Janda, who taught in the Department of Political Science for 41 years. Awarded to the best honors thesis of the year. The Janda Prize is awarded for the best undergraduate honors thesis. The winner is selected by the Honors Committee and is based on the nominations and feedback received from the honors thesis readers.
William M. McGovern Prize for Academic Excellence and Leadership
This prize is awarded to a graduating senior majoring in political science to recognize excellence in scholarship, community leadership, and university citizenship. Students who meet the GPA requirements are invited to submit self-nominations for the award.
R. Barry Farrell Prize for Academic Achievement
This prize is awarded to the student(s) who wrote the best research paper(s) in a Political Research Seminar (Poli Sci 395). Nominations are made by instructors and the winner(s) are chosen by the Undergraduate Program Committee.
Senior Marshal
Outstanding student selected to lead graduating seniors during the Weinberg College graduation ceremony.