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Political Science

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Photo of Professor Galya Ben-Arieh

Department Spotlight: Professor Ben-Arieh

Students studying U.S. refugee policy this quarter clicked open a Zoom link this week that was more than just a virtual meeting. The link acted as a portal to a global hub of learning. These Zoom meetings  were a part of a program started by Professor Galya Ben-Arieh, who just wrapped up a week of international collaboration with her U.S. Refugee Policy students. 

Read the full article here

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R Workshop: Michelle Bueno Vásquez

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM, No Location

Join the R workshop and PhD candidate Michelle Bueno Vásquez for an intensive hands-on workshop exploring advanced R techniques for spa...


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Professor Danielle Gilbert | Amid Washington rancor, Trump basks in the glow of a hostage-release deal
Lt. Col. Jahara FRANKY Matisek, Ph.D. | Connecting the Force: Building US Military Interoperability for the Modern Battlefield
Professor Wendy Pearlman | Brown Bag Seminar by Wendy Pearlman
Professor Karen J. Alter | U.S. Export Controls Across Time: Knowledge, Technology, and China
Professor Alvin B. Tillery, Jr | The Black church’s role in Civil Rights and social justice continues to grow

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